We welcome and thank you for donations through Cash App:
Checks should be made payable to:
Community For All
2279 Ellsworth Rd.
Ypsilanti, Mi. 48197
(734) 434-8491
CFA Supports Juneteenth Buy Tickets
Our Mission is to bring cultural education to youth, provide scholarships, and bring awareness of the arts through a series of fundraising and educational activities.
Our Motto: Serving Each Other With Love.
We are a source of information, direction and a resource for high school seniors looking to take the next steps toward a degree in higher education.
We recognize the need for providing high school seniors who have both proven themselves through academic excellence, coupled with an equal need for financial assistance.
Community For All is funded and maintained by a coalition of area businesses; individual contributions; and through fundraising activities such as theater productions (“In Search of Giants”), musical productions, (“Holiday Extravaganza”) and our signature yearly event, JUNETEENTH SCHOLARSHIP BANQUET.
Executive Board
Vice President: Harriet Hughes
Treasurer: Madeline K. Melton
Secretary: Cheryl Wasson
Chaplain: Rev. Lois Richardson
Marylin Brown
Lexanna Lyons
Jim McCartney
Hank McQueen
Barbara Picou
Cheryl A. Wasson
Advisory Board
Historian: Ronald Woods J.D.
Advisory: Dr. Kiela Samuels